To implement OpenPassport in your app, you need to implement it in both your front-end and back-end. The front-end will generate a QR code containing all the information relative to your app and what you are requesting users to disclose. The back-end will verify proofs and manage nullifiers.
🚧 Deeplinking is WIP. If you want to implement OpenPassport in a mobile application, please contact us.
Implement OpenPassportQRcode
in your front-end
in your front-endInstall dependencies
Instantiate OpenPassportVerifier
requires two arguments: 'scope' and 'mode'.
is simply an identifier for your app, choose a simple one in standard ASCII.mode
corresponds to the behavior of the circuit.
Two modes are available according to where you want to verify the proof:
web2 applications
web3 dApps
Two more modes are available to enable full anonymity, cf. ...
Disclosing passport data
Call methods from openPassportVerifier to ask users to disclose specific passport data.
See all methods on OpenPassportVerifier documentation.
Test environment
If you want to debug your app with a mock passport generated inside the application, you have to call the method allowMockPassports();
Instantiate OpenPassportQRcode
is a React component that you can instantiate in your front-end:
Here are the different parameters of OpenPassportQRcode
Name of your app, part that will be displayed in the mobile app.
userID is passed as a parameter of the proof in order to prevent users from stealing proof between each other.
'hex' | 'uuid' | 'string'
Type of userId.
Instance of OpenPassportVerifier.
Callback method fired after proof verification. This is the place where you want to send the proof to your backend for web2 apps or send tx to verifier contracts for dApps.
Verify the proof in your back-end (or smart-contracts)
Web2 apps
Install dependencies:
Instantiate OpenPassportVerifier
Note: you have to use the same scope as in your front-end.
Verify the proof:
Nullify the proof:
Once the proof and nullifier are verified, you can fire your custom functions:
Web3 dApps
Install dependencies:
Last updated